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Resources Keyword 'prohibitive costs'

Costs -  The court ruled that, while they cannot guarantee the certainty of costs, that the cost cap will not increase post-permission. They also determined that personal financial information…
Access to justice and costs in environmental cases - This request for a preliminary ruling concerns the interpretation of the fifth paragraph of Article 10a of Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June…
Costs – The Court of Appeal held that the “criteria” established in the Corner House case regarding the granting of Protective Costs Orders (PCOs) have general applicability, but must not be dealt…
Costs - The Outer Court of Session (Scotland) stated that the criteria for making a Protective Cost Order (PCO) were satisfied in an environmental case and ordered that if the petitioner – an…
Costs - The Court of Appeal upheld a High Court costs order for the unsuccessful claimant (Mr Littlewood) to reimburse the defendant up to a maximum of £50,000 on the basis that the figure did not…
Costs – The Court of Appeal held that the need for the claimant to have no “private interest in the outcome of case” (one of the “criteria” established in the Corner House case), is not decisive when…
Costs – The leading Court of Appeal case concerning the granting of Protective Costs Orders (PCOs), in which a claimant seeks to limit his or her exposure to the defendant's legal costs. The Court…
The High Court accepted that the criterion established for the granting of Protective Costs Orders (PCOs) in the Corner House case must in environmental cases be applied flexibly and in the light of…
Costs – The Court of Appeal endorsed the flexible approach adopted in the cases of Compton and Buglife and considered that, in principle,there would be no barrier to the granting of a Protective Cost…
Costs - The Court of Appeal established guidelines for the judge’s discretion as to cost recovery from an unsuccessful claimant in public law cases, particularly with regard to preparation costs.